
Contract number: FED/2012/254-458
Start date and end date of the reporting period: 15 May 2012 – 15 November 2015.
Target country or region: Vilanculo (Maputo) – Mozambique

Name of Coordinator of the grant contract: Acque del Chiampo S.p.A
Name and title of the Contact person: Eng. Lorenzo Asso – Project Manager
Name of Beneficiaries and affiliated entity(ies) in the Action:
- EMA S.A. – Empresa Moçambicana de Águas S.A. (Beneficiary partner)
- University of Brescia (Implementing partner)
- Conselho Municipal de Vilanculos (Supporting partner)

Partnerships for Capacity Development in the ACP Water & Sanitation Sector

The European project “Partnerships for Capacity Development in the ACP Water & Sanitation Sector” aims at carrying out the second specific objectives of the 10th European Development Fund ACP – EU Water Facility guidelines: improve governance and management of water resources; contribute to sustainable development water resources and contribute to maintenance of the water infrastructure.
In particular, the objectives of the action are both the improved sanitary conditions of the population of Vilanculo and the increased economic and financial sustainability of water services. The final expected result is the creation and empowerment of the conditions of private water management and the social, economic, and financial sustainability. In order to achieve this result, the project aims at obtaining the following specific results:
• improved water and strategic planning of water use;
• increased managerial capacity to deal with water supply in a sustainable way;
• increased ability of local technicians to improve water safety;
• increased local community awareness of the functioning of water services.

These specific expected results will be reached through several activities carried out by each partner:
1. Transfer of know-how on administrative management to the operator regarding water supply contracts, including the selection and purchase of appropriate software;
2. Creating the technical conditions to detect illegal connections - also involves structural modifications on the networks and supply of tools to make the techniques practicable;
3. Creating criteria and strategies for the sustainable and judicious use of water resources in the medium and long term and formulation of policies and strategies for planning the extension of the service;
4. Supporting the regulator in definition of the tariff policy and rates adjusted to the remuneration of the service, which also take account of social group have-nots;
5. Community Education: helping the population to understand the concept that water service must be paid;
6. Construction of a analysis laboratory for bacteriological and chemical water quality monitoring with adequately trained staff;
7. Monitoring of drinking water quality;
8. Creating a strategy and practices to reduce the risk of groundwater contamination due to uncontrolled discharge on the soil (Latrine).

There are three organizations acting as project partners. The coordinator of the activities is Acque del Chiampo S.p.A, a North Italian public company owned by the Municipality of 10 towns. The University of Brescia (Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture, Land, Environment and Mathematics – DICATAM and CETAMB) represents the implementing partner. The beneficiary partner is called EMA (Empresa Moçambiana de Aguas S.A.), an engineering and water company. Finally the local authority of Vilanculo city, the Conselho Municipal de Vilanculos, plays the role of supporting partner.

The total cost of the action amounts to € 867.794, with 75% (€ 650.845) financed by the European Commission.

giovedì 26 maggio 2016

18 dicembre 2015 - XII Convegno Internazionale CeTAmb "Emergenza e Sviluppo - La tutela dell'ambiente nella Cooperazione internazionale

XII Convegno Internazionale CeTAmb "Emergenza e Sviluppo - La tutela dell'ambiente nella Cooperazione internazionale, Brescia 18 dicembre 2015
CETAMB Università di Brescia

Il convegno internazionale, giunto alla 12a edizione, viene organizzato annualmente dal CeTAmb - Laboratorio di ricerca sulle tecnologie per la gestione dell'ambiente.
La sessione pomeridiana è stata dedicata interamente al Progetto Mozambico, progetto di cooperazione Nord-Sud promosso da da tre anni e mezzo da Acque del Chiampo e che è giunto a termine lo scorso 15/11/2015.

Allego il programma del convegno con gli argomenti affrontati dai vari relatori. Da segnalare l'assenza di Carlos Sinbine, funzionario di EMA - Empresa Moçambicana de Agua , gestore dell'acquedotto di Vilaculos, cittadina turistica del Mozambico beneficiaria del progetto.t

Programma del Convegno:

Intervento ing. Lorenzo Asso:

Intervento ing. Andrea Chiorboli e Elisa Magalini